For By Grace Are Ye Saved Through Faith
For by grace are ye saved through faith
In the name of the Lord Jesus I share the testimony:
On May 17, we set out from Bukoba to preach at a Pentecostal church on a nearby hill.The leader of the local church, a white-haired old shepherd, was kind to offer to pay our fare when we arrived.
When we worshiped with our brothers and sisters in the local church, many of them stood up and told us their testimony about their faith in the Lord. One sister testified that a few years ago God had revealed that she would bring the white people to tell them the truth, and now God’s word had come true.There were more than 20 people gathering that day, and we told them the truth, and when we finished the preach. There were more than 10 people received the truth, and the old shepherd, when he heard the word,he said, I have baptized them in a false baptism before.So we arranged a vehicle to go to the true baptism of the brothers and sisters.The old shepherd gave all the contributions of brothers and sisters to pay for fare of the Baptism.
We walked for more than half an hour and drove for more than half an hour to arrive Lake Victoria.At the baptism, a large crowd gathered to watch Muta being baptized by the Holy Spirit. Muta began to preach and testify to Jesus Christ with a loud voice. When the five spectators heard the Gospel, they repented and were baptized, thanking the Lord for his grace.On the bus back from the baptism, the brothers and sisters sang happily and praised God together.
When the baptism was over, all rode back to the church to perform the foot-washing Sacrament.When they asked for the Holy Spirit, seven or eight brothers and sisters received the Holy Spirit, and three or four were so filled with the Holy Spirit that they stopped speaking in tongues for a long time.The old shepherd did not understand the truth, so he did not receive baptism, but when he saw that these brothers and sisters were all receiving the Holy Spirit, his heart was greatly moved, and he took the initiative to kneel down and ask us to pray for him and lay our hands on him.
The next day, we invited the old shepherd to continue to discuss the truth together. After hearing this, the old shepherd thought that what we said was right, but he could not accept that what He believed in Jesus all his life was a false path. He did not receive the Holy Spirit, so he was very sad.We urge him that all the work we do will be remembered by God, and that it is not in vain, and that it is the most important thing to do the truth.
Thank you, Lord, that today we are saved not because of the many works and zeal of the Lord, but because of the free grace of God which has been given to us in the faith of Jesus Christ.For it is by grace that we are saved, and by faith.God's grace is available even to children who believe.If we do not believe in the truth, no amount of effort, no amount of understanding, no amount of learning on our own will bring us salvation.
True Jesus Church Tanzania Church
Witness time: May 21, 2020
Witness location: Bukoba, Tanzania
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