
A Vision Of The Gate Of Heaven, The Ladder, The Angels, The Cross, Jesus, The King Of Kings

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2021-04-30 13:00:03 China Testimony1582126

A vision of the gate of heaven, the ladder, the angels, the cross, Jesus, the king of Kings

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony

I am nine years old.Last week God gave me a vision when I was praying together:

At the beginning of the prayer there was darkness before my eyes. After a while, suddenly there was a bright white light before my eyes.I opened my eyes to see, but the light was so harsh that I could hardly keep my eyes open.

I saw a luminous road slanting down from the sky, the road around has been luminous, do not know how long it is, how wide.

Then an angel came and helped me along the path.The angel wears white clothes, the whole body shines, can not see what look like.

At the end of the road, there was a glistening hole in the air. When I went into the hole, I saw a white building glowing like a church.

There was a man in the church who wore a white crown, and the crown shone.I felt it was Jesus, because he was sitting on a glowing throne, holding in his hand something that looked like a crutch but not a crutch.

Beside Jesus were two angels, each dressed in shining white.

Opposite Jesus knelt a lot of people in prayer, the whole church has been shining, it is not clear how many people.

Then Jesus came down to help the brothers and sisters put their hands on prayer, and when Jesus came down to put his hands on my head, I felt someone press down on my head.

I do not know how long the prayer lasted, but they sang a psalm chorus, and the vision passed away.

I stopped to pray.It was last 27 minutes, but I felt I was praying for just a little while.

This little boy usually prays very seriously, so the Lord Jesus gave him the Holy Spirit very early. Today, when we are praying together, he is very eager to pray.

When I was praying, I suddenly felt black before my eyes, which turned blue again. At this moment, a piece of white appeared before my eyes, and then a piece of very bright light.

In the light there is a door, the door opens and he enters the door, and then there is a cross, and then there is a ladder.

He went up the ladder and saw a lot of winged angels flying on it.He says, "But I don't have wings, I can't fly." Then he sees Jesus with the four angels who are greeting them who receive the Holy Spirit...

True Jesus Church

January 5, 2021


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