
To Overcome The Devil By The Word Of God;God Opens His Ear And Can Hear

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2021-04-30 13:02:04 China Testimony1582134

To overcome the devil by the Word of God;God opens his ear and can hear

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony

Before I heard the Gospel, there was a voice in my heart attacking me all the time: hit the wall and die!You're gonna crash and die!Hating people in the church of true Jesus, as long as anyone's name is mentioned, is to kill!Kill!Kill!I keep talking.

After listening to the Gospel truth, a sound like the attack is slowly becoming more weak weak, sometimes will have the voice come out against me, but it's much better than before, once aware of the voice, I immediately silently in my heart said to myself: "Lord Jesus blood wash my soul," Lord Jesus, help me,

To drive this voice out of my heart...Then the sound gradually became fainter and fainter, until at the end of the three-day gathering, there seemed to be no more of the sound, more and more relaxed, and a strange sense of joy in my heart.

I think the truth of the True Jesus church is really wonderful, I listened, the brain relax easily, also rejoice in his heart, then there will be a new hope, hope to find a new job, and the be together with the true Jesus church brothers and sisters, for at least a week to attend the Sabbath to worship God, mutual support, I have confidence to find a job.

And I began to have some confidence in how I would continue to take care of my elderly mother-in-law and how I would lead my children to come to hear the Gospel and help them build a common faith. I know that it is Jesus' love for me that has made such a beautiful change in my desire for truth.

I know, this is the Lord Jesus lead me to the faith!

Thank you and praise Jesus!

Thank God for coming this afternoon to gather and hear the Gospel. There is also a sister who can hardly hear, even with a hearing aid.You have to get very close to your ear to just barely hear it.

After listening to the Gospel, after praying together, standing one meter away and talking to her can be heard.She herself said I couldn't hear before , but now I can.Thank the Lord!

True Jesus Church

Feng Guang hui



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