Processes Of Living Water Baptism And Foot Washing And Holy Communion
1. Living Water Baptism
2. Foot Washing
3. Holy Communion
1. Living Water Baptism & 2. Foot Washing
Process of Living Water Baptism and Foot Washing
• Go to the living water
• Pray together before living water baptism and foot washing (pray the Holy Spirit work to make the water into Jesus’ blood)
• Conduct living water baptism and foot washing
Five Key Points of Living Water Baptism
• In the living water (river, lake, sea, etc)
• In the name of Jesus
• Bow head down
• Immerse he whole body into the water (make sure sister’s hair is fully immersed, baby’s arms, legs and feet are fully immersed)
• Baptist must have received the Holy Spirit (can speak with tongues)
During the baptism, the baptist pray like this:
“In the name of the Lord Jesus I baptize you, washing your sins away”
Key Points of baptism
• Brother or sister who conduct the foot washing must have received the Holy Spirit.
• Generally, brother wash feet of brothers, and sister wash feet of sisters.
During the foot washing, the baptist pray like this:
“In the name of the Lord Jesus, I wash your feet. Your whole body is clean. You partake with the Lord Jesus”
• If sisters have long hair, it’s better for them to tie their hair so that all the hair and body can be fully immersed into water.
• Brethren who takes the baptism should cross his/her hand on the chest, confess and repent sins during the living water baptism.
• Make sure all brethren who take the living water baptism take foot washing too.
3. Holy Communion
Preparation of Holy Communion
• Make one unleavened bread by wheat flour and water only.
• Make one big cup of grape juice by either squeezing fresh grapes or dipping and boiling dry grapes.
Process of Conducting Holy Communion
The brother who conduct the Holy Communion should:
• Preach the truth of Holy Communion in remembrance of the Lord Jesus’ dead
• Raise up the bread, and pray to God: “In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray God to make this bread into the body of Jesus in the spirit, so that we can have the life of Jesus after eating it.”
• Break this one bread into pieces.
• Ask one or two brother or sister to deliver bread to everyone who have received the living water baptism and foot washing.
• Ask all to pray for examining themselves and repenting first before eating it.
• Ask all to eat the bread together.
• Raise up grape juice and pray to God: “In the name of the Lord Jesus, we pray God to make this grape juice into the blood of Jesus in the spirit, so that we can have the life of Jesus after drinking it.”
• Divide grape juice into small cups.
• Deliver cups to everyone who have received the living water baptism and foot washing.
• Ask all to pray for examining themselves and repenting first before drinking it.
• Ask all to drink the grape juice together.
• Ask all pray together to thank God.
Key Points of Holy Communion
• The brother who conduct the Holy Communion must have received the Holy Spirit.
• Bread can not have leaven or yeast.
• Make only one bread and one cup of juice.
• Grape juice can not be replaced by wine.
• Encourage every brother and sister who already took the baptism to take the Holy Communion. Encourage them repent sins first before receiving it, and pray God to help them obey the law of God with sincere heart.
• Brethren who will receive the Holy Communion must have already taken living water baptism and foot washing.
• If someone who hasn’t been baptized eat the Holy Communion by mistake and feel pain in the body, ask her/him to repent.
• All the children including infants who have already taken living water baptism and foot washing should take Holy Communion. Infant’s mother can chew the bread and give a little to infant, and give little of grape juice to infant too.
• Can not take Holy Communion outside of church.
• Bread and grape juice must be eaten up and drunk up in the same day.
• In case there’s some bread and grape juice remained overnight till the next day, it must be burned out and washed out with sincere heart.
• In old testament, Israelite make grain offering by adding oil because oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit. Nowadays, since the Holy Spirit has already descended down and the brother who conduct Holy Communion should have received the Holy Spirit, we don’t necessarily add oil into unleavened bread any more. However, to avoid bread scorching during baking process, we can add a little bit oil when making the bread.
Pray for the Holy Spirit together
• Preach the truth of the Holy Spirit briefly
• Explain how to pray for the Holy Spirit
• Need to exam and repent first in the heart
• Close eyes and pray for the Holy Spirit in persistence
• Beginning in "In the name of the Lord Jesus, I pray for the Holy Spirit”, then can repeat “Hallelujah, Hallelujah….”
• While brother or sister receive the Holy Spirit, he/she can feel a heat flow pour down from up, feel his/her tongue be divided as of fire, body is shaking, and he/she begin to speak with other tongues. The Holy Spirit is descended top down, should not bottom up.
(Mark 1:10) And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove.
(Acts 2:3-4)Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
(Acts 4:31) And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness
Documentation - Info Need to Be Recorded:
• Names of brethren who have been baptized in living water, make sure all of them also have taken foot washing and received Holy Communion.
• Names of brethren who have been baptized, and who received the Holy Spirit.
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One True Church Of God
But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it! (II Corinthians 11:3-4)
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Jesus Is Living God By Truth Seeker
Psaml 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
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