God’S Abundant Grace Let The Dead Revive
In the name of the Lord Jesus I testify,
I am Gong Zehua from True Jesus Church Chuanyu Qijiang Church and I am going to testify for my granddaughter Liu Nian.
After I recovered from the diabetes, I was cooking in an evening. My husband was taking care of our one-year-old granddaughter. After I finished cooking and I called her to eat, but I could not find her. I asked my husband but he was doing his own things and thought I was taking care of her. We started to search for her but she was no where to be found. Later we saw a scoop floating in a faecal sludge pit and thought she might fell into it. My husband immediately jumped into the pit and after a few minutes of searching he touched her feet. She was then be pulled out, but her belly was full of faecal sludge. Her body was cold and her face was deadly grey. Her eyelids closed.
Everyone was stunned when they saw what happened. I flied into the house and started a prayer with the granddaughter in my hands. I was only crying and shouting Hallelujah during the prayer, hoping God can save my granddaughter. After an hour, my son came back. Although he knew the child was dead, he still sent her to the hospital hoping she can come back alive. In the car, I carried the child upside down and prayed “LORD! I know you can do everything. Even my diabetes you healed it. I hope you can save this child, wake him up before we reach the hospital.” She woke up with a loud cry before we reached the hospital. Everyone was overjoyed. We were afraid of any side-effects so we let her stay in hospital for three days. Nothing danger happened to her and all the feacal sludge in her belly was gone. We thank God for the grace and my husband also started to go to church.
Although my children did not believe in God, they were very submissive. Every time church needs help, they will drop their matters and go to church to help. Liu Nian is already 23 years old and live in a peaceful life. We experienced countless graces from God. I think I am in debt of God for I always prayed for the worldly prosperity for my family, but never for their belief. Now that I am old and I know it is more important to bring them in front of God. May LORD help me and bring my family to the church so that they can learn how to fear LORD and receive the peace from God.
May glory, thanksgiving and praise be given to the one true God in the heaven. Peace and grace be given to people who are delighted in His sight.
Hallelujah, amen.
Sis. Gong Zehua
True Jesus Church Chuanyu Qijiang Church
16 February 2018
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