
The Holy Spirit Leads People To Truth And The Whole Church To Salvation

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2020-12-02 12:06:01 Global Testimony1721396

The Holy Spirit leads people to truth and the whole church to salvation

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:

On the morning 18 April , we visited a sister, Tanga that is Muta preacher who preached the Gospel in Boma.As soon as we arrived at her house, the sister Tanga was busy preparing all kinds of breakfasts for us.She was a Lutheran, she accept water drop baptism, and later came to a Pentecostal church. She had three kids. According to The Muta preacher, she was a humble, truth-seeking sister, but there was no peace at her home.

We talk about the right baptism and she was willing to receive it, but her husband was still in Lutheran church and she needed his permission. She said she would then go to Dar es Salaam and ask a Muta preacher to baptize for her in the Indian Ocean.In Tanzania, a woman's affairs accept her husband's permition , which is said to be part of the local marriage law.We encouraged this sister believe God, accept the truth in our hearts and to walk in the truth, to lead by Jesus. Then we left her house.

The day before yesterday afternoon (23 April ), the Holy Spirit moved and led her sister Tanga to call and say that she would come to our hotel to meet us, and would bring a preacher with her.When we saw our sister Tanga and another female preacher Zion, we felt the comfort of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.Zion is an independent Pentecostal church with 25 adults and 10 children.Zion, the preacher, asked us: What should I do?The apostles of the true Church answered, First repentance, then accept the right baptism from sin, and receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.We also urge the sister Tonga to be washed from sin and to pray for the Holy Spirit, because there is joy and peace only in the Holy Spirit of truth, who will help us to change our lives. Both sisters will be baptized at once, so we set out for the river.

On the way to the baptism, we rode in the local Bajaji tricycle, and although the two sisters did not speak Much English, they were delighted and kept saying "happy happy".When she got to the river, Zion was baptized first, and when she came up out of the water, she got the Holy Spirit and stood in the water and began to speak the new tongue, and when she got to the land, she continued to speak new tongue, and then she Shared that there was a power that lifted her up from the water, and her dialect changed and she was different from what she had said before, and her body became very relaxed.After being baptized, sister Tanga Shared that last night she saw in a dream that she was tightly bound by something, but now that she has been released, her body is light and happy.Lucas Shared that after the baptism he stood in the water praying and saw Jesus' precious blood.

Then we went back to the place where we lived and gave them foot washing and holy Communion, and then asked for the Holy Spirit.The Tanga sisters also received the Holy Spirit for the first time. Both she and Zion evangelist felt the fire pouring from the head to the whole body. The Tonga sisters also saw white light.Ask for the holy Spirit a second time, and both sisters will be filled with the Holy Spirit.

Ask for the holy Spirit a second time, and both sisters will be filled with the Holy Spirit.Later, we Shared why we keep the Sabbath. Both Zion mission and Tanga sisters accepted it. Tango said that she would go to the church of Zion mission to keep the Sabbath on Saturday.Zion said that her brothers and sisters in the church needed to hear the same truth . She asked if we could go and share the truth. We said yes, everyone needs to hear the Gospel and everyone needs the salvation of Jesus. Zion preacher arranged to go to church on Saturday to preach the truth and baptism of Jesus and continue to share his message with his brothers and sisters on Sunday.

Yesterday afternoon (24 April ), Zion preacher brought a sister to listen to the Gospel of truth, the sister immediately received and baptized after hearing the truth, and then asked the Holy Spirit, the sister was moved by the Holy Spirit, saw the light, knelt on the ground to speak new tongue her body shook and cried excitedly, and kept saying: Thank You Jesus, thank you Jesus!

With the Sabbath coming up in a few hours (Friday), we cooked with Zion, her sister, Muta, and two of the hotel's staff sisters, and then we kept the Sabbath together, and the apostles of the True Jesus Church Shared keeping the Sabbath reason.Thank God for the grace he gives us on the Sabbath day for the true rest of our souls.The blessing of God's love is always with us. These two employees of the hotel are very kind to us and make breakfast for us every day. We also preach them the good news.This inn we kept the Sabbath, where we received seekers and pastors, and where we Record a sermon video in it.

May God continue to preach the Gospel.Peace and happiness on the Sabbath!

True Jesus Church Tanzania Church

Witness time: 25 April , 2020

Witness location: Kilimanjaro Boma, Tanzania

Figure 1: Zion on the right: Sister Tanga on the left



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