
Keeping The Sabbath And Hearing The Truth

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2020-03-02 12:05:19 China Testimony2021771

Keeping the Sabbath and Hearing the Truth Healed My Leg Disease Immediately

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:

My name is Julius. It's my first time to come to True Jesus Church to keep Sabbath and hear the truth. I have ever experienced three major traffic accidents which make me very painful in the body and unable to stand up for a long time in the past five years.

Before the closure of the morning Sabbath worship, pastor led us to pray for the Holy Spirit. During my prayer, I saw a special vision that the darkness came out of my body, and my body was released and became very light. I never have such feeling before. Moreover, the pain of my leg reliefs immediately. I am surprised to find that I can pray by kneeling down for so long time and even I can stand for so long time to share my experience and witness of prayinh for the the HolySspirit.

Pastor Leonard invites me to worship in today's Sabbath. Now, I am filled with joy by receiving the grace of God. Thanks be to God.

Witnessed by: Julius (Truth Seeker)

True Jesus Church Kenya Church

February 15, 2020


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