
Led By God, The Muslim Preacher Returns To The Gospel Truth

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2020-11-02 12:33:52 Global Testimony1749165

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:

On the night 25th March , two pastors from Tanga arrived at our hotel.

One of them took more than ten hours by bus, and the other took more than six hours by bus. When they arrived, it was already 9:00 PM.

After we met, we sat down together to discuss the truth of the Gospel. They were very happy to hear the truth and discussed with us until 12 o 'clock at night. They told us that they were All Muslims before they came to Jesus.The Tanga shepherd, Named Ibrahimu, is of the Apostolic Faith. He has 12 rural churches and 10 priests. He Shared,

'After I believed in Jesus, I had a dream in which God said, "You shall preach the truth to these Muslim sects. "'Later, Victor, who helped us connect with Ibrahimu ministry, said that we were in Tanzania to preach the Gospel of truth. This "True" word touched Ibrahimu's ministry. He remembered that God had come to him to preach the Gospel of truth.So he was really looking forward to seeing us. He called us the next day and took six hours to get there in the morning.

Ibrahimu's preacher said he was ready for the right baptism, so we immediately arranged for the vehicle to take us to the Indian Ocean.After baptism, he told us he was very glad to have a new hope in the heart, he was on his back twenty years ago and in water, but after he was baptized after feel very afraid, afraid of Muslim people attack to him, and always feel guilty, but today he baptized after, feel very safe, without fear, in the heart is full of peace and new hope.He had ten missionaries, and he thought right baptism were so important that he went back to tell them the truth, so that they should accept the right things.Then we went back to the inn, gave him the foot wash Communion, and prayed for the Holy Spirit together. the preacher received the Holy Spirit of truth.

Glory to Jesus, Hallelujah, and Amen.

True Jesus Church Tanzania Church

Witness time: March 2020

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania



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