Part 6: The Holy Spirit Searches All Things, And Bring To Light The Hidden Things Of Darkness
In the name of Jesus to share the gospel journey in Uganda
Part 6: The Holy Spirit searches all things, and bring to light the
hidden things of darkness
It is difficult for us to see through the devil's tricks and fully understand the will of
God in the understanding on our own. Relying on the Holy Spirit who will give us
the spiritual wisdom, we will understand the will of God. By this means, our works
will be pleased by the Lord, and we will bear fruits in all good deeds and gradually
know more about God. Because the Holy Spirit searches all things.
(Hebrews 4:12) For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any
two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and
marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
On Dec 26, 2019, one of the pastors, Michael, was re-baptized in the correct way
after he received the truth in Busia. When he got into the water, he saw a white
round table surrounded by rainbows. On the table stood a little boy who could just
walk. After he came up from the water, he told us that he felt very joyful and his
heart is being freed. He had been baptized before, but he did not feel that way.
We told him that it is because the baptism he took before was only for repentance
which couldn’t wash away his sins, but the baptism he took today from True Jesus
Church was of forgiveness of sins. He saw a white round table during the baptism.
White refers holiness, round refers that it is a complete and correct baptism,
rainbow refers that God make a covenant with him, and the little boy refers that he
is born of water to become the child of God.
Because Jesus said: Unless a man is born of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot
enter the kingdom of God. Because he took the baptism of forgiveness of sins, he
was very happy, very joyful. All glory to be Jesus Christ, Amen.
When pastor Michael returned from baptism and prayed for the Holy Spirit, the
Spirit of God revealed him again. He saw a smoking devil approaching a brother
next to him, and the brother cried and said: Save me, save me. After the prayer, we
asked the brother if he smoked before. He said yes and he was trying to quit
smoking on his own. We told him: “We need rely on Jesus and rely on the Holy
Spirit because Jesus can help us out of the dominance of smoking. The smoking
spirit is possessing on you, so it’s difficult for you to defeat the devil on your own
because you’re weak. The Lord Jesus comes to help us today, and we can be
delivered from the dominance of devils by relying on Jesus. He was very happy
after hearing it. Jesus is our savior and our dependence, thank the Lord.
On Dec 28, 2019, when we worshiped together and preached at Ndejje Kanaba,
the devils came to make trouble and tried to hinder the gospel preaching. One of
the pastors kept asking questions to us so that we couldn’t preach to the
True Jesus Church
congregation. He looked like seeking for the truth, but the Holy Spirit revealed the
pastor of True Jesus Church that actually it was the devil trying to stop our
preaching. So we immediately stopped him from asking questions and told him
that if he had other questions, he could come and discuss with us after the
preaching. Then the gospel preaching to congregations proceeded smoothly. The
Holy Spirit brought to light the hidden things of darkness, saw through the devil's
tricks, and stopped devil's tricks to proceed. Thank the Holy Spirit for His
On Dec 20, 2019, at Sister Margret’s house, a woman came in and made strange
movements to attract attention when we were assembled together. The Holy Spirit
told the pastor of True Jesus Church that this woman was possessed demons, so
we casted out demons for her in the name of Jesus which made her calm down.
Because the devil's tricks were seen through, devils became furious. When we left
the house of sister Margret, devils used this woman to follow the pastors of True
Jesus Church and kept abusing and cursing. But our hearts were full of peace and
joy. Thank the Lord. Today we are not fighting by ourselves, but by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit protects us and helps us identify all the devil's tricks. Thank the
Lord, glory to Jesus Christ.
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