Part 7: The Holy Spirit Bears Our Weakness And Sorrow, And Gives Us Grace And Salvation
In the name of Jesus to share the gospel journey in Uganda
Part 7: The Holy Spirit bears our weakness and sorrow, and
gives us grace and salvation
The Holy Spirit bears the weakness of us. The Holy Spirit comforts us, brings
grace to us, shows mercy on us and bless us. Although we are not worthy, the
Holy Spirit as the comforter and helper still helps us as always. Thank God for his
(John 16:7) Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I
go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I
depart, I will send Him to you.
We arrived in Uganda at 2:00am on Dec 13, 2019. At the moment when we
stepped out from the airport, It started to rain heavily. The Holy Spirit touched the
pastor of True Jesus Church, that God would descend the Holy Spirit to this
country with great blessings. Because God heard the prayer from people of
Uganda and cares for them. The brothers and sisters who came to pick us up in
the airport said Amen Amen when they saw so heavy rain coming down from sky.
We rejoiced together.
On Dec 21, 2019, the pastor of True Jesus Church prayed to God for opening the
way for full gospel spreading in Uganda and even for full gospel being preached to
Ugandan government officers. At that moment of the prayer, this pastor saw rows
and rows of angels singing in the sky. Thank the Lord, this is the will of God that
the full gospel will be surely spread in Uganda, which gives us strong confidence.
True Jesus Church
On Dec 22, 2019, the pastor of True Jesus Church slept in the home of a local
sister in the evening. There was no mosquito net, however, the pastor was not
bitten by mosquitoes all night and even she didn’t hear any noisy from
mosquitoes. Thank the Lord Jesus for His care and protection.
On Dec 28, 2019, one entire church in Ndejje Kanaba received the true water
baptism from True Jesus Church. In the next day, Brother Jocknus who was a local
worker in the church shared with us a testimony: He sought for job opportunities in
various places in Uganda. Pastor David called him for several time for asking him
to come to his church, but he didn’t. This time, pastor David told him that
preachers from China would come to his church and pastor David hoped him to
come to help translating the preaching in local language. Although pastor David
didn’t confirm the date the preachers from China would come, brother Jocknus
decided to come to see. He thought if preachers from China were there when he
came, he would stay with them together. Otherwise, he would go other places to
find job.
When he came to Ndejje Kanaba, the Chinese preachers arrived in the same day.
So he stayed to help interpret the sermons about the truth of salvation that
evening and also helped interpret the next morning. Then some miracles
happened. Originally, their family had no money, and they were still worrying about
life and work. In the afternoon of the next day that he helped us interpret the
preaching, a lady called him and said that they wanted to go to his home to visit
him. When he met this lady, this lady offered him a job contract with payment of
80,000 Ugandan shillings. She also said that she would resume this contract,
which means he would have continuous income. This is really a miracle and grace
from God. Thank God. All glory to be God.
- Prev one
Part 6: The Holy Spirit Searches All Things, And Bring To Light The Hidden Things Of Darkness
Part 6: The Holy Spirit searches all things, and bring to light the hidden things of darkness
- Next one
Part 9: God Save Us Through The Washing Of Regeneration And Renewal Of The Holy Spirit
Part 9: God Save Us Through the Washing of Regeneration and Renewal of the Holy Spirit
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