
Pentecostals Receive The Gospel Of Truth

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2020-12-24 19:15:03 Global Testimony1838242

Pentecostals receive the Gospel of truth

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:

We have been keeping in mind how to shepherd the five brothers who received the truth at the seaside.thank God's ready, then we just know pastor Martine’s house is in the town, not far from the five brothers, pastor Martine spend two and a half hours a week to the church of the mountains and believers, we are thinking of the five brothers entrusted to him.

A church on the hill where Martine's Mission was kept had been restored, and we encouraged him to set up a meeting place in the town two hours down the hill.And there were five baptized brethren in the town, and we baptized by the sea: and they came and beheld, and received the truth, and were baptized.

As we prepared to leave Bukoba on our last day, we went to pastor Martine's home. One was to give the five brothers to Martine so that he could continue to minister to the brothers and sisters who believed in Jesus after we were gone, and to lead the brothers and sisters to begin Sabbath meetings in town.The second one was trying to make the Sabbath more intelligible to Martine's ministry, for he was Pentecostal and did not understand the Sabbath.

When we went to his house, his wife, Martine's missionary wife, a teacher named Grace, came to see us at another Pentecostal congregation.When she arrived, we looked up the bible truth with his wife and prayed with them.Because Grace's Pentecostal church also spoke in tongues, Grace always thought she had received the Holy Spirit. We explained to her the difference between a true dialect and a false dialect. Only a true dialect comes from the Holy Spirit.

Later, as we prayed together, Grace saw a vision. She saw an angel come and lift her up. Then her dialect changed and she spoke a different dialect.When the prayer was over, she did not know what had happened, and feeling very frightened, she ran to her room and hid herself.We call her, although she told us her frightened, but she is so joy, suddenly special joy, we said to her: this is God in you, because today you hear the truth, only heard the voice of the truth can receive the Holy Spirit, you listen to the truth, obey the spirit, the grace of god will greatly upon your family.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for choosing Martine to preach, and for choosing his wife and children, so that all his family may know the truth and enter the kingdom of God. Hallelujah, amen.

True Jesus Church Tanzania Church

Witness time: May 26, 2020

Witness location :Bukoba, Tanzania


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