God Chose My Husband Through His Amazing Grace
In the name of the Lord Jesus I testify,
Thank God that I can have this opportunity to testify for God about my husband Bro. Yuxian. Thank God for choosing my husband through his amazing grace and thank God that He healed my husband.
My name is Lin Zhengying and I am 66 years old. Although I believed in God since I was young, my faith was weak. And my job was Chinese folk opera performer (later that I knew this job does not please God), so I rarely went to church. My husband is 11 years older than me (77 this year). He is from HanJiangBaiTang. Before he retired, he was working as a doctor in the army. We married each other through matchmaker. We had a very peaceful marriage. Before my husband became ill, I preached the gospel to him. Although he supported me belief, he never had a determination to get baptized. In year 2011, my husband was diagnosed with a chronical disease (like Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma). At the beginning, he felt unwell and it got worse and worse so he needed to visit hospitals in Fuzhou very often. Later he could only lie on the bed and attended by others. His hearing and speaking abilities were limited. Because he could not eat, his body was very weak that there was no fat but skin attach to his bones. Many brothers and sisters could not forget the appearance of my husband at that time!
Thank God three year after that my husband decided to get baptized. That was the baptism conducted by TJC HanJiang Church and I clearly remember it was 16 July. We went to the baptism place in the morning. An amazing thing happened during the baptism. Although I received Holy Spirit at a very young age, it departed from me for I was away from God and I rarely attended church services. On that day, I was praying with other brothers and sisters on the shore for my husband’s baptism. I filled by the Holy Spirit (a sister beside me told me that I nearly jumped up when praying) and I saw a vision that many people who were in white (angles) surrounded my husband (I could not see their heads) and water near my husband turned red. It was truly amazing and I was so surprised and joyful. From that moment I knew that God loves me even if I wondered outside for so long. God still let me to experience His grace and strengthen my faith through this way!
After the baptism, I asked my husband “How did you feel?” He replied with not much difference. And he knew as a patient, he could not touch cold water. He said “I will become even more sick after I was put into cold water!” Although the flesh did not change and a normal human would be worried about my husband’s health, in the spirit the LORD Jesus let my husband became anew. Just as what said in the Bible, reborn in the spirit. After the baptism, nothing he worried happed and the illness became less severe. Thank God for His mercy, ever since that day he never went back to the hospital and he felt his condition got better every day. In July 2018, he can already head out and walking. Brothers and sisters who came and visited my husband before could not believe he recovered so well for he did not look like the same person in the hospital at all!
I am truly thankful that Jesus not only healed my husband, but also chose him so that he could turn from a dead into a living being; so that he could become a follower of Jesus and had a part of Him! Just like the blind healed by God, not only did his physical eyes see, but also his spiritual eyes were opened so that he could follow Jesus. For me. I was a lost sheep, but God still had mercy on me. Just as what Bible said “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” (Matthew 18:10-14) LORD Jesus found me and returned me to his bosom through His grace to my husband!
Thank God! May God keep guiding our way and I hope this testimony can edify more brothers and sisters so that more people can get to know the power and the grace of God as long as we are willing to seek and rely on Him. Hallelujah, amen!
Sis. Lin Zhengying
True Jesus Church PuTianHanJiang Church
September 2018
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