The Spiritual Relationship Between 【Ten Commandments Of God And Five Righteousness Of Jesus Onto Salvation】And 【The Tabernacle Of True God】
In the name of Jesus to share the gospel journey in Uganda
【Testimonies of Gospel Preaching in Uganda in 2019】
The Holy Spirit build up the church when the disciples receive
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit establishes True Jesus Church
and lead us into all the truth.
For as we have received the grace of God, we should proclaim the work of the
Holy Spirit, lest we will fall short of grace of God and of the trust committed to us.
Therefore, we dare not fail to proclaim the message God has given us, even
though we know we are not worthy of it. Wherefore we have not disobeyed the
heavenly vision, but have this boldness through God. We do it by the grace of God
and led by the Holy Spirit.
If we do not proclaim the work of the Holy Spirit, we fear that we may sin. We will
have peace in our conscience if we share the work of the Holy Spirit in Uganda
with you. And we know well that what we speak out is the truth of God's salvation,
and God also use signs and wonders and miracles to confirm what we have
preached. Because God loves us and He wants to give us blessings and grace.
Thank God. During this one short month when we stayed in Uganda, many people
received the sound words of God, received the correct water baptism and also
received the Holy Spirit. Many people get the grace of God.
And, we should continuously spread the word of God. We will see more and more
grace of God come to us with signs and wonders accompany us, which witness
this true and living God. It is the Holy Spirit to establish True Jesus Church and
fulfill salvation. Although we do not deserve it, it is through God that we have such
grace and power.
(Mark 16:15-20) And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel
to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does
not believe will be condemned. And these signs will follow those who believe: In
My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will
take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them;
they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." So then, after the Lord had
spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand
of God. And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them
and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.
Thank God. All the glory be to Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Amen.
The Spiritual Relationship Between 【Ten Commandments of
God and Five Righteousness of Jesus onto Salvation】and
【The Tabernacle of True God】
Five Righteousness of Jesus and Five Utensils in Front of the Throne of God in the
Five Righteousness of Jesus - are the ways of salvation on the cross
Tabernacle - is the metaphor of body, soul and spirit of man
• Outer Court - Body
• The Holy Place - Soul
• The Most Holy Place - Spirit
Throne of God - on the Ark of Covenant Where the Ten Commandments are Placed
Five Utensils in the Tabernacle - is the metaphor of ways of forgiveness of sins
(1) Outer Court in the Tabernacle: Refers to Body of Man (because body is external
appearance of a person)
In the outer court of the tabernacle, it is laid two utensils - Altar and Bronze Laver.
a) Altar: it’s a metaphor of Living Water Baptism
We are baptized into Jesus Christ through the living water baptism. Unless we are
bore of water, we cannot enter the kingdom of God. Unless we take the living
water baptism, we cannot enter the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. We are
baptized into Jesus Christ means we enter the tabernacle and put Jesus on our
body, and then Jesus becomes our coat to cover our body. (refer to Galatians
3:27, Acts 22:16)
b) Bronze Laver: It’s a metaphor of Foot Washing.
Foot Washing makes us take part of Jesus Christ. If we do not take Foot Washing,
we will have no part with Jesus Christ. If we don’t take Foot Washing, we cannot
enter the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place, which means we cannot go to
heaven and our spiritual life will die. 'He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet’
means we also need to take the Foot Washing after we take the living water
baptism, by this means, our whole body will be clean (the outer court will be
purified). (John 13:8-10; Exodus 30:17-21)
(2) The Holy Place: Refers to soul of Man (Soul is inside the body)
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In the Holy Place of the tabernacle, it is laid three utensils - Table of Showbread,
Golden Lampstand, Golden Censer.
a) Unleavened Bread on the Table of Showbread: It’s a metaphor of the Holy
Communion (Holy Communion is eaten into the body)
When we receive the Holy Communion, we will have the life of Jesus in us and we
will have the eternal life. In the last day, the Lord Jesus will raise us up from the
death. Without receiving the Holy Communion, we will not have eternal life. It is in
the Holy Place where we should eat the Holy Communion. (John 6:53-58; 1
Corinthians 11:23-34)
b) Golden Lampstand: It’s a metaphor of receiving the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit
dwell in us as our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit)
When we receive the Holy Spirit, it is the Lord living in us and we are in Him. Only
by receiving the Holy Spirit can we enter the most Holy Place. Those who are not
born of the Holy Spirit cannot enter the Kingdom of God, and cannot enter the
Most Holy Place. There are two olive trees at the right of the Golden Lampstand
and at its left. The olive trees flow out olive oil, and the olive oil flows into the
Golden Lampstand, and then the Golden Lampstand shines in this world. (John
3:3-7; Exodus 27:20; Zechariah 4:11-12; Revelation 11:4; Matthew 5:15-16)
(3) The Most Holy Place: refers to the Holy Spirit
a) Golden Censer: It’s a metaphor of speaking in new tongues (when we pray)
Speaking in new tongues is prayer in the Spirit and prayer to God, which edifies
our spirit but not our understanding. In the Most Holy Place, this is only God. Only
the highest priest can enter the Most Holy Place who is Jesus, because Jesus is
the highest priest. (1 Corinthians 14:2, 14)
Golden Censer refers to our prayer. In the old covenant, the Golden Censer was
called Altar of Incense and was place in the Holy Place. In the new covenant, the
Golden Censer is moved into the Most Holy Place. The prayer in the Holy Place is
the prayer in understanding, and the prayer in the Most Holy Place is the prayer by
speaking in new tongues (Prayer in the Spirit). (Revelation 8:3; Exodus 30:6;
Hebrews 9:2-4; 1 Corinthians 14:14-15)
There’re many priests in the Holy Place, which means that prayer in understanding
can be understood by others. However, Only the highest priest can be in the Most
Holy Place, which means prayer by speaking in the new tongue will not be
understood by others and will not edify the church. Instead, prayer by speaking in
new tongues only edify herself/himself. Speaking in new tongues is the prayer to
God but not man. (1 Corinthians 14:2,4,16-17,28)
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True Jesus Church
Hallelujah, Thank God.
True Jesus Church
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