The Debate Between Sabbath And Sunday(1)
The debate between Sabbath and Sunday(1)
The debate over the Sabbath and Sunday lasted for a long time and it also becomes an extremely important issue of debate in the Bible. Some people are very angry to hear the Sabbath. Of course, we can be saved because of the salvation of Jesus Christ not the day. If we just hold on to a certain day, our heart have not changed, then sticking to a certain date is futile, finally we are also demise.
The problem of the Sabbath and Sunday is so easy to understand even by children. However biased people can not understand even they are so clever, experienced and competent. The Bible says this is the secret. Sabbath is Saturday however there are a lot of people think Sunday is Lord's Day. In fact, the Sabbath is Lord's Day and many people have misunderstood about it. We will also talk about this issue below.
Firstly, would the saved people keep the Sabbath or Sunday in the new heavens and new earth? The answer is clear in Isaiah 66 that in the new heaven and the new earth will keep the Sabbath, not the Sunday.
“As the new heavens and the new earth that I make will endure before me,” declares the Lord , “so will your name and descendants endure. From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord . “And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.” (Isaiah 66:22-24 NIV)
Secondly, is the duty of Christians to keep the commandments? The final conclusion to Ecclesiastes in Chapter 12 is that keeping the commandments of God is the duty of man. In answering the young man what good thing must he do to get eternal life? Jesus shows that if you want to enter life, keep the commandments. In the same way, Revelation 14 describes: at the end of the world, when great persecution comes, the saints are those who keep God's commands and remain faithful to Jesus.
Thirdly, did the commandment been abolished or changed?Jesus said directly in Matthew 5 very firmly: "For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. In such a thick Bible, apart from the Ten Commandments, all were written by people who revealed by God, but the Ten Commandments were written by the hand of God and engraved on the stone by finger.
It is because the commandment of God was so important and so sacred that God wrote it himself, in case of people made mistaken when they conveyed. How can God abolish and change the holy, just, and good law? What is the meaning of accomplishment of the Law? In the Old Testament, the law was engraved on the stone while in the New Testament, the law was engraved on the table of heart. The commandment is never abolished, on the contrary keeping the commandment is the duty of Christians. The Sabbath is the fourth of the commandments and must be kept. The answer is yes.
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