The Power Of God'S Leading In Traffic Accident
In the holy name of the Lord Jesus, share the testament:
Thanks to the prayer of brothers and sisters. God is always leading us in traffic accident although it is our fault. God also has mercy on us. God touched the young man who was very cooperative, especially in personal compensation. His father, and brother insisted that we compensated 5000 RMB, but he felt that was a cheat on us, he only wanted us to compensate 2500 RMB. Traffic police here also did not record hit-and-run (if it is a hit-and-run, will revoke the driving license, cannot get a driving license for life, and sentenced to 15 days or less detention). But Ping An Insurance company considered we did not take a picture at that time, the case was a hit and run, the company did not give us compensate. We also asked some help to find a 4S shop these days, to see if the repair fee can be reduced. In this case, I also deeply understand the importance of urgent prayer and intercession. If we stop praying, god will stop working and everything will stop. It seems that people are helping us, but in fact, God is working and leading. Finally, please continue to pray for me, we all listen to God's will. May God also lead my wife. Hallelujah, amen!
Witness: Brother Xiaoliang Song
Date: June 20th, 2018
True Jesus Church
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