
Free From The Devil’S Possession

Jesus Sabbath Church Faith
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2022-07-15 15:34:25 China Testimony1333079

Witness in the holy name of the Lord Jesus:

I am sister Tang Guiying from Hengyang City, Hunan Province. Praise Jesus, my Lord. Before I believe in the Lord, I was a distressed sinner. I was disturbed by the devil and was harm by my husband. I was so anxious and angry all day long that I couldn’t sleep at night and was scolded by my husband (husband is an unreasonable person... not going home).

Thank you Lord! I can't help myself... I'm going to commit suicide, and I want to run away from home but I can't give up children. Thank the Lord, I didn’t believe in the Lord at that time, but the Lord had already protected me for a long time, and I was not killed by the wicked and the devil. It's been a hard day for more than 20 years.

Someone told me: You should believe Jesus, Jesus can deliver you from devil possession. I asked where to believe, then I began to believe Jesus. I said: What does the Lord Jesus mean? She said: God. I heard that I am so happy that God, I am a person who has not been educated, does not know any words, including Hallelujah, Jesus Christ, glory to Jesus and so on. How to deal with it? Thank God! Under the help of the Lord, I slowly learned to recognize a few words, but I still don't speak Mandarin. Thank you, Lord.

I went to the church in the first week. A sister said: Hallelujah; I was anxious when I didn’t know what it meant. A brother gave me a Bible, and I didn’t know any word at that time. What should I do? Thanks to the Lord, I accepted it and went home. In the evening, take a look at the Bible and thank the Lord. Although I do not know the words, I am so happy. By the second week, as my husband didn’t allow me to go to church, I didn’t go to church. And later I felt anxius. By the third week, I went to the church and told to a sister: The first week I felt peace, and the second week anxius. The devil was against me. (The devil said to me at that time: I will always be against you wherever you go) The sister said: Keep the Sabbath. I said: My husband forbids me to come, so I scolded him. They told me not to scold him but to pray for him. I don't know how to pray, they said you should confess your sins to God and repent, and we will also pray for you. Thanks to the Lord, my husband did not scold me when I got home, and the devil has left since that time! thank God! Later, in the fourth week, I kept Sabbath and went home to have lunch and went to work in the fields. I thought: God is so good. While working in the field, I always hope to see the God my Lord. Later, I looked at to heaven and saw that God the Father smiled at me, and the more I looked, the more I smiled! Thank you, Lord, I still see God often from heaven until now. I know that God is always with me. Thank God. Later in the fifth week, I worked in the field for a few days. My whole body was so painful. When I was making lunch, I talked to God. I said: God, my body hurts. Thank God, my body is suddenly painless. I am so happy! By the next day, I had work in field for the whole day, and I had a little pain. I said: God, I felt pain yesterday and you healed me, and today I was painful again. Thank God, my body didn't hurt anymore before I finished speaking! My tears flowed all at once, and I was happy and remembered that the great God loves me so much... Thank you Lord, I have not stopped the Sabbath until now.

Later, on the fifth and sixth Sabbaths, there was a spiritual meeting, and my husband disallow me to go. I had to pray and ask the Lord for help. Thank God... pray anytime, anywhere, and ask the Lord for help so that I can go to church. Later, God showed me many signs. Once I was in the church with a few sisters and saw the Lord Jesus appearing personally...I told everyone to come and see him, so happy...they all saw the Lord! I just can’t see his face, I can only see his body, his hair is long, He is tall. It is really amazing, really amazing to me... Thank God, this is the initial thing when I began to believe in the Lord to witness the wonderful grace of God, glory to Jesus!

Matthew 5:37 (NKJV): 37 But let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.

Tang Guiying

True Jesus Church

July 1, 2020


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