
Foot Washing (John 13:1-17)

Jesus Holy Spirit Foot Washing Holy Communion
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2024-10-09 17:49:06 Faith In Jesus325901

The foot washing ceremony is that Jesus personally set an example for us and told us to do what he did. This foot washing is to wash away our behavioral sins and make us clean. Each of us has sins in our hearts and sins in our actions. For example: a person is greedy for other people's things, this sin is in his heart. If a person steals something from another person, the crime lies in his behavior. The reason why we sin in our behavior is because we have sin in our hearts. When we are baptized, the blood of Jesus washes away the sin in our hearts. After baptism, we have to accept the baptism of foot washing. This is Jesus washing our feet. To wash away our behavioral sins. Therefore, the foot washing ceremony is different for children washing their parents' feet, students washing their teachers' feet, and masters washing their guests' feet. The usual foot washings we receive come from people, to show filial piety, humility, and love each other. It has nothing to do with forgiveness. The foot washing in the ritual of baptizing the feet comes from God. After we wash our feet, we become partakers of the Lord, and our whole body is holy, and our behavioral sins are forgiven by God.

Essentials of Foot Washing

(1)The person who conduct Foot Washing must have received the Holy Spirit identified by speaking in new tongues (Speaking in tongues is the only evidence of receiving the Holy Spirit).

Jesus is the Holy Spirit, and only those who receive the Holy Spirit baptize the feet and wash the feet are Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. If the person who baptizes the feet does not receive the Holy Spirit, the footwashing is not Jesus' footwashing, and the person being washed cannot have a share with Jesus.

(2) The person who conduct Foot Washing should do the actions that Jesus demonstrated to us

1.Stand up from the seat

It means Jesus left the throne in heaven

2.Take off his garment

It means Jesus has taken off his honorable image

3.Use a towel to wrap the waist

it means Jesus took the image of a servant and came to this world

4.Pour water in a basin to wash the disciples' feet

It means Jesus loves us to the end, use the truth to wash our feet and guide us walk on the holy road

5.Put on garment again after washing the feet

It means Jesus has taken back his honorable image

6.Sit back to the seat

It means Jesus returned to the throne in heaven and sat down on the right side of the Father

(3) When washing the feet, the person who conduct Foot Washing shall say:

“IN the name of Jesus to wash your feet, your whole body is clean, take part with Jesus.”

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. (Colossians 3:17)

(4) Foot Washing shall be held after Living Water Baptism, and before the Holy Communion.

(5) Generally, brothers who receive the Holy Spirit wash the feet for brothers, and sisters who receive the Holy Spirit wash the feet of sisters.

Foot washing is the righteousness of God. If we do not accept the foot washing, we have no part with Jesus and have nothing to do with salvation. We must obey Jesus' instructions and follow Jesus' example to receive the blessings from God.


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