
Receiving The Holy Spirit, The Tongue Is Separated And Speak In New Tongues

Holy Spirit Jesus Church Testimony
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2022-07-15 16:43:07 China Testimony1145011

【Testimony of Receiving the Holy Spirit: When Receiving the Holy Spirit, the tongue is separated as fire and speak in new tongues】

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share the testimony,

My younger brother works in Shanghai. He used to talk nonsense all day because he was disturbed by the devil, so our whole family came to Shanghai to take care of him. My mother said that believing in Jesus could save him, and she wanted to lead him to believe in Jesus.

On August 17th, I took a flight from Hainan to Shanghai. And I received the living water baptism of remission of the sins which was conducted by True Jesus Church. After the baptism, I saw and heard brothers and sisters praying by speaking in tongues in the church. I thought they did it on purpose. I asked them what it was, and they said that if somebody received the Holy Spirit, he could speak in tongue (new tongue), and we could pray to God for receiving the Holy Spirit.

Later, the situation of my brother talking nonsense got severe, so I boldly ask God for the Holy Spirit, then I received the Holy Spirit. At that moment that I received the Holy Spirit, I started to speak in tongues. I often pray to God for healing my brother.

I went back to Hainan on September 5th. Brethren in church exhorts me to listen to sermon preaching more and also keep the Sabbath day. Then I do it. Meanwhile, I also pray to God for my brother and his family often. The Lord Jesus hears my prayer and heals my brother, which makes me genuinely believe God exists.

I know that we need to obey the commandments of God, and we not only need to hear the word of God but also do the word of God. But I felt very exhausted because I couldn’t do it by myself and I felt guilty. I felt tired of believing in Jesus, so my faith began to weaken. Sometime later, I found I couldn’t speak in tongues when I prayed.

Speaking in tongues is the only evidence to prove a person receives the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit dwells in him. I was worried that my inability to speak in tongues meant the Holy Spirit was gone.

I asked my sister-in-law, I couldn't do what the bible tells us to do, did I sin so God took back the Holy Spirit from me? Then my sister-in-law exhorted me to keep faith in Jesus and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to obey the word of God instead of depending on our own works and capabilities. She also encouraged me to pray to God for the Holy Spirit by faith and also pray for being filled with the Holy Spirit. When I prayed like this, I started to speak in tongues again. The Lord Jesus doesn’t leave me and He loves me to the end, thank the Lord.

(Galatians 3:3-7) Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh? Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain? Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?— just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.” Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham.

Thank the Lord. All glory be to Jesus. Amen.

Witness: Yan Yuanyuan

Witness time: January 21, 2022

True Jesus Church


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