The Bishop Was Humbled To Seek The Truth, Was Baptized Out Of The Water And Received The Holy Spirit,
The Bishop was humbled to seek the truth, was baptized out of the water and received the Holy Spirit, and the whole Pentecostal church was baptized into Jesus
In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony:
On the afternoon of Thursday 9 April, a Muta preacher took us to a Pentecostal church to share the truth with a bishop.The nine-year-old church has more than 300 members and was founded by Bishop Edward to preach the Gospel. There are 12 preachers in the church, and there is another church in another place.The true Jesus preacher spoke about God's five righteous salvation, including the five points of proper baptism. Bishop Edward and a nearby preacher, David, listened very carefully.Baptism in Pentecostal churches is mostly backward baptism,
Bishop Edward was baptized by an Israelite in the forward lying position,But we told him, though his body is forward, but he did not bow before enter the water, bowed their heads and this action is very important, because we are baptized shape to joint with the form of the Lord Jesus died on the cross, bowed their heads and said, repent and the shape of the joint only death, can be associated with Jesus in the shape of the resurrection,The one who baptized him was an Israelite only, not a spiritual Israelite, the true descendant of Abraham, the true Church of Jesus today is a spiritual Israelite.
After hearing this, Bishop Edward asked, "These things are true.What should I do?"The True Jesus Church preached" Repent and be correctly baptized with the baptism of sin and you will receive the promised Holy Spirit.Just believe, and be baptized now. "Bishop Edward says," I'm ready, let's go. "Another preacher, David, says," I'm ready."
So Bishop Edward drove us to a linving water.The preacher David was baptized and came up out of the water, he received the Holy Spirit, stood in the water, and began to speak in a new tongues . He testified that he saw a white light before his eyes, and a strong power was lifting him up .When the bishop Edward be baptized, and when he came up out of the water also received the Holy Spirit, standing in the water began to new tongues, he later testified: just like a fire is from his head to the body, the body becomes very light, speak a new tongues , said the tongues is from the Holy Spirit.The bishop and the preacher became very happy.
Matthew 3:16-17[KJV]And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:”
[KJV]And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Eph1:13-14 [KJV]In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
[KJV]Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.
Bishop Edward invited us to come back on Saturday to share this salvation with their preachers, elders, and all of their fellow workers.They teach a Bible study on Wednesday and Thursday once a week .So we went to the church on Saturday, and there were about 30 people there.When the correct baptism was Shared, everyone listened carefully.
Immediately after the sermon, Bishop Edward and his preachers began to organize themselves for proper baptism. Most of the workers signed up, so they rented two minibuses to the river of Living Water.When they reached the river, Bishop Edward explain how he had been baptized and how he had come up out of the water to be immediately received the Holy Spirit. Then 28 church ministers, elders and fellow workers received the baptism of living water for the forgiveness of SINS, and they were all very happy.Back at the church, we held foot washing and Holy Communion. When we prayed for the Holy Spirit, more than 20 of our belivers received the Holy Spirit and began to speak the new tongues. A dozen people prayed for the Holy Spirit and saw the light .Later, Bishop Edward testified that on the night after his baptism, he saw a vision. In the vision, he saw many white eggs..The preacher of the True Jesus Church said, The egg represents a new life. This vision shows that correct baptism and the receiving of the Holy Spirit bring a new life to be into the kingdom of God.
The next Sunday, which was Easter in the world, Bishop Edward invited us to the church to preach to all the believers.The church was supposed to hold Holy Communion on Easter, but the preacher of the True Jesus Church told the bishop that he would not receive it until the believers had been properly baptized and washed foot. Bishop Edward accepted it.
When apostles Shared the Gospel of salvation, Bishop Edward warmly invited us to his home. , His family prepared plenty of food,and many brothers and sisters came to his home one after another.The following Monday and Tuesday, we continued to preach the Gospel of Salvation, the Sabbath, the spiritual church and the name of the church of the True Jesus in bishop Edward's church.We arrived at church on Monday morning at 9am and found Bishop Edward and a couple of belivers already at church. They are very punctual. Although it is a working day, nearly 20 brothers and sisters come to the church to study.
We communicate with the bishop Edward in the process of building the church, they mentioned to develop of the church, we can vaguely realized they want us to give financial help, this is phenomenon, western missionaries first preached the Gospel in Africa, is to use economic benefits as for people came to the church.
The approach of western missionaries is to first give the benefits (for example, to hear the Gospel, pay for the journey, prepare the food, prepare the clothes), then preach the Gospel, and then bring the cooperative projects such as building an orphanage, a school house, paying the shepherd's salary, buying a car, etc.
A preacher once asked us: Why did the plans and arrangements that these Western missionaries brought with them at first seem so good, but the church did not develop later?The preaching of the True Jesus Church told them that because those Western missionaries had no truth and no Holy Spirit, they were paving their way with money, not spreading the Gospel by the Holy Spirit, they were not the church of God.
Timothy3:15 [KJV]But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.ground: or, stay
Only the truth can bring the prosperity of the Gospel and salvation and eternal life to people.The Holy Spirit himself leads the church in preaching the Gospel. As long as the church holds the truth and spreads the truth, the church of God will grow and grow in numbers.They were encouraged and confidence. They did not ask us about money from beginning to end. Instead they provided us with food and drove us back to our place of lodging.Thank God
Eternal life is the most precious thing that money can't buy.As Peter saidAct3:6[KJV]Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee.God continue to lead the Arusha Church True Jesus Church to uphold the truth, spread the Gospel of truth.
True Jesus Church Tanzania Church
Witness time: April 16, 2020
Witness place: Arusha, Tanzania
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The Holy Spirit Reveals That Devil Prevents The Gospel From Being Preached, The Apostles Win By The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit reveals that devil prevents the Gospel from being preached, the apostles win by the Holy Spirit
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Repent And Receive The Gospel Of Truth And The Holy Spirit
Repent and receive the Gospel of truth and the Holy Spirit
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