
To Spread The Gospel Of The Kingdom, To Take Care Of The Church By Sending Workers By Laying On Hands And Adding Holy Power.

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2020-11-24 18:45:34 Global Testimony1727448

To spread the Gospel of the kingdom, to take care of the church by sending workers by laying on hands and adding Holy power.

In the name of the Lord Jesus to share this testimony

Luke 10:2[KJV]Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

More than one month later we arrived in Tanzania, many brothers and sisters, pastors and bishops, from Pentecostal churches, Baptists, Lutherans, Muslims, etc., have been returning to Tanzania.We have also been praying that God will raise up people who will be able to preach, expand, develop, and take care of God's church in Tanzania.

Thank the Lord's leading, in Tanzania we preach the Gospel of the first to receive the Holy Spirit Muta is a very humble person, the preacher also very eager to preach the Gospel of God, is in Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam) bears the Gospel first fruits, he help us a lot of to contact the church and the priest, and join us in the Gospel of salvation preached to them. And the Holy Spirit brings those who truly seek the truth.

There's a brother named Fotunatus, he's a junior high school linguistics teacher.He had known about keeping the Sabbath and receiving the Holy Spirit for ten years, but had never found a church that preached the truth, a former Pentecostal minister. after we arrived, the Holy Spirit led him to us,

And through him God helped us find the Tanzanian True Jesus Church, which had been in the truth for more than a decade.Strengthen the believers and unite in one body in the Lord Jesus.

An old preacher of this true Jesus church was very faithful to the truth. Despite the difficulties and persecutions of the church, he continued to preach at home for several years with his followers.When we came to this church to preach the truth, we listened very carefully and the faith of many believers was strengthened.

We saw God's leadership urging these preachers to hold on to the truth, look to the grace of Jesus Christ, preach the complete Gospel, and serve the Lord faithfully.Several preachers expressed their willingness to give themselves up to the Lord Jesus.We sent them with one mind to do the work that Jesus had entrusted to them to preach the Gospel in Tanzania. ask the Lord to give Holy power to these workers. A sister who was nearby received a revelation that God would use the worker.Then a brother was sent to tell us that he was going to preach the Gospel of God, and the letters of the church of theTrue Jesus were written all over his body.

(Photo: On the right is a reborn Muta preacher, warm-hearted and talented.In the middle is the newly baptized Fotunatus, who humbly seeks the truth.On the left is the old preacher of the true Jesus Church, faithful and loving.We are united in our desire to spread the Gospel.On the back wall there is a sign: True Jesus Church.

Thank the Lord, may the Lord Jesus continue to lead the development of the Gospel in Tanzania, and may more and more people rise to serve the Lord and the church, so that the tabernacle of the Kingdom of God will continue to expand, and more and more people will receive abundant grace from the Lord Jesus. Hallelujah. Amen.

True Jesus Church Tanzania Church

Witness time: 7 th May , 2020

Witness place :Katoro, Tanzania



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