
Accompanied By Various Kinds Of Signs,Wonders And Miracles

Holy Spirit Jesus Holy Communion Church
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2022-07-15 17:57:49 Global Testimony1154327

[Truth and Salvation: accompanied by various kinds of signs,wonders and miracles to confirm the truth, the faith of true church and people of being saved are greatly increased. Gospel of God develops more. Tanzannia Gospel testimony 48 ]

1、Enter into True Jesus Church to spiritually eternal kingdom;

2、Baptism in the clean living water, water immediately turned to be yellow after baptism being completed;

3、Devil kept people from receiving true baptism, the true baptism was continued after driving demon out in the name of Jesus;

4、Receiving true unleaven Holy Communion, there is fire into stomach from the mouth;

5、The noise of ear was healed, disease in knees was healed,various kinds of signs,wonders,miracles,grace etc.

In the Holy name of Lord Jesus to testify:

Pastor William told us:after he was baptized, he felt the huge light. The local church will enter a new milestone.We told him: Huge light refers to Jesus Christ. He is truth. You have heard the truth. God use huge light to enlighten you and help you walk in true teaching and light. Besides that, local churches all need receive truth. This is the will of God.

August 27th (Thursday) afternoon, we preached gospel in the church where pastor William shepherds. Many believers heard the truth and believed immediately. At that very moment, 27 members determined to be rebaptized on the second day. On the second day, 27 brothers and sisters arrived. Pastor William hired a vehicle and took brothers and sisters to river for baptism. Still many brothers and sisters have no seats to sit, then they take public means to river by themselves.

Thanks for the grace of Lord. When we arrived at the river bank, the water was very clear and clean. Later at the moment when we finished the baptism, the water suddenly became yellow. Everything was prepared by God who prepared a clean living water to conduct baptism.

During the process of conducting baptism, a sister was possessed by devil previously. When she came out from water, the body shaked greatly for several seconds and then the devil came out from her body. Another brother was disturbed by devil when he bowed his head and prepared to enter water, he shaked violently in water. We immmediately cast out devil for him in the holy name of Lord Jesus, the devil was cast out in one minute. The brother recovered at once and was baptized smoothly. One sister was not fully immersed into water during baptism, then we reconducted the second baptism. The second baptism she was fully immersed. She felt a stong power and the body became light when she came out from the water.

After baptism, we went back to church to hold foot washing and Holy Communion. During receiving Holy Communion, a brother felt there was fire on his mouth when he ate Holy Communion. And this fire keeps entering inside his body. That is because Holy Communion like fire to purify his sins.

One sister had problem in her ears which had noise all the time. Her ears were healed immediately after receiving Holy Communion. And the noise got dissapeared. Another sister was touched by Holy Spirit when she received Holy Communion and the body kept shaking like win blowing her. Thanks Lord Jesus for the grace.

After that, we prayed together to receive Holy Spirit. In total 17 brothers and sisters received Holy Spirit and began to speak in tongues. Brethren stood up one by on to share testimony. One brother said: after he received Holy Spirit, he started speaking tongues. Besides that, his heart is very joyful. He was delightful when praying in tongues and he kept smiling. Several brothers and sisters said: the body became light after true baptism and no burden any more. Also several brothers and sisters were touched by Holy Spirit and cried. One sister had sick in knees and she could not kneel down. When she prayed God to give her Holy Spirit, her knees were recovered and she could kneel down. Another sister said her whole body previously ached. The ach immediately was gone after receiving Holy Spirit to speak in tongues. Another sister felt there was fire entering from her mouth into body when she received Holy Spirit. Another sister said: since yesterday when she heard the truth of salvation and prepared to go for baptism, she felt the spiritual battles. She felt her feet became very heavy and the heart beated fastly. But now after receiving the water baptism and Holy Spirit, she felt the body was very light because she overcame the test from devil.

Thanks be to Lord. The grace of God is abundant. This church has three pastors. All are very humble and seeking truth. Three pastors all receive Holy Spirit after being baptized. May God continue leading and adding people of being saved into the true church of God. In the following days they will continue to arrange and organize baptism, teach true gospel to every brother and sister.

All glory be to Lord Jesus, Hallelujah, Amen.

True Jesus Church Tanzannia Church



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