The Burden Of Depression Is Released, Years Of Disease Are All Healed
【Blessed in the living water baptism of forgiveness of sins: the burden of depression is released, years of frequent urination, gynaecological disease and athlete’s foot are all healed】
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to share this testimony,
I come from Huainan, Anhui province in China. I have been introverted since I was a child. Since I was 7 years old, I got a problem of frequent urination and urgency of urination, so I had to go to the toilet for 30-40 times a day. This problem seriously impacted my study and sleep and also made me very autistic. After marrying on a blind date, my marriage was unhappy, and I was forced to divorce. Then I started to suffer from severe depression. I had to rely on drugs to control my disease of depression, and the drug costs more than USD 1,500 every time.
At a time of loss and pain in my life, I came to know the Lord Jesus and believe in Him. My health condition improved a lot but I still took medicine to control my disease.
Since I come to Shanghai to work, I have been looking for a church for worship. Due to the pandemic, many churches close their services in the church buildings. I felt sad, but God led me to meet a sister who takes the same part-time job as me, thank God. After we get to know each other for a few days, I heard from her that she also believes in Jesus too. I know from her that she also got the disease of depression before and was cured by Jesus. She invited me to go to True Jesus Church and then I did.
I come to True Jesus Church to hear the preaching sermon. After I listened to Sister Zou’s sermon and was exhorted by several brethren too, I was very willing to take the correct living water baptism for the remission of the sins. Although I was menstruating at that time, I was very much looking forward to receiving the living water baptism to wash away my sins so that I could be released both physically and spiritually. Hallelujah, thank the Lord, Jesus, after being baptized, I felt that all the burdens in my heart were taken off like I get a new life.
In the next few days, I found that my frequent urination for more than 20 years was also healed, and my previous gynaecological disease was also healed, even my athlete's foot was healed together. It was really amazing.
All the glory to be Jesus.
(I Peter 3:20-21) who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine long-suffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water. There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
(Luke 9:1-2) Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases. He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
Witness: sister Gao
Witness time: May 8, 2021
True Jesus Church
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