
The Development Of Church And Sending Of Workers, Burundi Testimony

Holy Spirit Jesus Church Gospel
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2022-07-15 15:31:54 Global Testimony1154808

1. The Church Workers learned how to be faithful, work with the same mind and give oneself out for the sake of God

The Holy Spirit told us names of the faithful workers and reminded that workers must pray God to give the Holy Spirit.

Last week, Holy Spirit touched us to continue preaching some important words of God to the faithful workers. Besides that, we shall send faithful workers by laying hands in the name of Jesus to proclaim the truth of gospel in Burundi. We prayed together with pastor Solomon and discussed out the name list of attendees for the coming meeting. Workers of Shanghai True Jesus Church entrusted the sending of workers in the hand of God through prayer and asked God Himself to select the workers to develop and make prosperous the Lord's gospel.

Last Sunday(June,27th,2022), we gathered with these workers and learned the word of God together. Several days before this meeting, Holy Spirit already touched us we shall preach to them about faithfulness, working with same mind and giving out themselves to God.

Holy Spirit searches all things and knows what is lacking for the workers. We observed some of them worked for God based on inter-relationship among people. We shall have both love and truth; Or being based on benefit and not understand the faithfulness in the word of God. When having the conflict in benefit, some workers could not work together with the same mind but only take the work of God as a job. Some don't know to give themselves to God and are not willing to pay out the time or money for the sake of God.

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.(2 John1:3 NKJV)

Thanks be to God. Holy Spirit led us to preach correct teachings to them and also encouraged their faith.

2. What kind of workers does God want to use?

1) The worker who is faithful in truth and word of God. The one who is faithful in the will of God and the commitment from God.

Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful. (1 Corinthians4:1-2 NKJV)

When we are faithful in the truth from Jesus Christ and the word of God, we will seek to know it. God will make us understand the mysteries just like the mysteries of correct living water baptism in the name of Jesus with head bowing down. Apostles and prophets is able to preach truth and bring people to receive the Holy Spirit.

Paul wrote letters to Ephesians church and Colossians church, he especially mentioned the letter is written to the faithful brethren in Jesus Christ. By which Paul emphasized workers must be faithful.

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, To the saints who are in Ephesus, and faithful in Christ Jesus:(Ephesians1:1 NKJV)

Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother,To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are in Colosse: Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.(Colossians1:1-2 NKJV)

Paul at the beginning persecuted the followers of Jesus since then he did not know Jesus is the Son of God coming into the world. When Jesus called Paul by saying:" I am Jesus who you have been persecuting" Paul believed Jesus rightly. He served Jesus Christ with a faithful and humble heart, striving to argue for the truth. Besides that, Paul repented for the previous mistakes and blamed himself the top of sinners which showed he had a humble heart. Even through Paul persecuted Jesus believers but God know Paul had a heart of sacrifice for the sake of serving God and true word of God. Then God selected Paul to replace Peter ,bringing the truth of gospel to gentiles. Paul is not among the initial 12 apostles but God raised up and used him since he worked faithfully for God. Then God exalted him to be not under the largest apostles.

And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.(1 Timothy1:12-17 NKJV)

In God's first plan, Peter was selected to preach gospel to gentiles. However, why God took this duty away from Peter? Because Peter did not faithfully bring gospel to gentiles to the end of the earth as God commanded him.

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”(Acts1:8 NKJV)

As is what Jesus commanded His disciples. But none of the twelve apostles kept bringing gospel from Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. They always sticked in Jerusalem because of such God make Jerusalem church faced with severe persecution. As a result, disciples scattered in all Judea and Samaria so the gospel was spread. But the twelve disciples remained in Jerusalem and forgot the commitment given by God. Peter and John just stayed in Samaria shortly to help new believers there receive the Holy Spirit afterwards they came back to Jerusalem again.

God revealed Peter through vision that the gentiles not the people of God before but God would sanctify them to be His people. God commanded Peter to bring gospel to gentiles.(Acts 10:9-16) But Peter did not continuously bring gospel to gentiles.

12 apostles didn't yet obey the commandments of Jesus to preach gospel everywhere. Therefore, the Jerusalem church suffered loss where apostle James was killed by King Herod and Peter was caught into the prison. By this we shall be faithful in truth and things entrusted and indicated by God.

2) Workers who serve God with the same heart and unite with each other in truth.

Book of Amos 3:3: " Can two walk together, unless they are agreed. Workers are of one mind to rely on God and the guidance from Holy Spirit. The serving will be full of strength, wisdom, authority, power and effect. If workers are not with the same mind, demons will take chance to bring into the church envy and strife, divisions, arguments of power and profits to hurt the church and workers.

Jesus is the rock of our faith while apostles and prophets are the foundations of our faith. It means the rock and foundation of church is the truth. Workers of Jesus should join together properly and grow into a holy temple in the Lord.(Ephesus 2:20-21)

3) Workers who serve God by sacrificing themselves.

Jesus told us:" If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

When we serving God, we shall have the determination to offer and entrust ourselves thoroughly and fully to God. We shall work as per the guidance and arrangement from the Holy Spirit so we will have the rich life and receive grace and rewards from the Lord Jesus since our goodness is nothing apart from Jesus. Every fullness, grace, honor, authority is from the Lord Jesus Christ. If we work by Holy Spirit with the full heart, we will continuously experience the grace and power from God. God will keep renewing us and help us to be more knowledgeable and powerful.

Gospel requires workers to sacrifice. Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.(John 12:24) When we give ourselves out, Jesus will add more and more into us the gifts and grace. We store treasure in the heaven while the days in the earth are also greatly blessed. The Lord Jesus said:" if anyone serve me, him my father will honor." (John 12:26)

3. God Himself select workers.

Thanks be to God. After we share the message, we prayed together and entrusted the sending of faithful workers into the hand of God. May god reveal us their names. Just praying for a little while, pastor Elieen heard Holy Spirit telling her in her heart regarding the names of who are sent by God( according to the order given by the Holy Spirit):

1:"pastor Abel"( He is an aged pastor who stood and encouraged people before the water baptism by saying: Today I will be the first one to be baptized. We don't know what happen tomorrow so we shall obey the truth timely.)

2: "pastor Emmanuel"( He is a young pastor who is godly and usually assist pastor Solomon to deal with all kinds of matters.

3:" Pastor John Baptist, faithful worker“( When we newly arrived at Burundi, he gave out his money to pastor Solomon to receive the servants of God and he often received us into his home and brought his mother-in law and children to accept the true message.)

4:"pastor Solomon, faithful worker.( He is the overseer of these churches. God links us to him and he gave out all his money for the sake of gospel.)

5:"Sister Emerin" ( She is a female police who felt herself having more love than before after receiving the Holy Spirit. She have experienced the precious Holy Spirit and always went into water to help during each water baptism.

During prayer, pastor Lucas thought about pastor Solomon and pastor John Baptist. But Holy Spirit reminded him:" It is not enough by sending these two workers. Gospel expanding requires more faithful workers, Emmanuel,Emerin,,,,"

Thanks be to God. After praying, pastor Lucas and sister Elieen shared the reveal from the Holy Spirit. After discussion, pastor Lucas laid hands on the five faithful workers in the name of Jesus:" pastor Solomon, pastor John Baptist, pastor Abel, pastor Emmanuel and sister Emerin.

Hallelujah, pastor Lucas announced in the holy name of the Lord Jesus about workers who are sent by Holy Spirit to bring gospel throughout the entire Burundi and encouraged other workers shall seek continuously.

When Pastor Lucas laid hands to these five workers and prayed God to add them gifts, two sisters saw vision and heard God spoke:

Sister Susanna said:" When pastor Lucas laid hands on the head of pastor Solomon, I heard God spoke:" Solomon, keep have your faith in Jesus today until you die."

When pastor Lucas kept laying hands on other pastors, I heard God spoke:" I'm coming you to give the gift to everyone according to what you do.

When pastor Lucas laid hands on pastor John Baptist, I heard God spoke:" I know you and I know their names." Sister Docas said:

When pastor Lucas started laying hands on the workers in the name of Jesus, starting from pastor Solomon, I saw a very big moon which is full of stars. These stars gives out large light and covers the bodies of these sent workers.

Thanks be to the guidance of Holy Spirit. After prayer, Holy Spirit reminded us pastor Emmanuel has not yet received the Holy Spirit. We shall pray with him together for receiving Holy Spirit. Pastor Emmanuel is very careful in doing every things. Among the previous prayers of asking for Holy Spirit, he was touched to sweat but he didn't yet receive the Holy Spirit. Today Holy Spirit revealed us to send him and also reminded us we shall pray together with him to receive the Holy Spirit. We felt in spirit that he will must receive the Holy Spirit today. In our first prayer, pastor Emmanuel didn't receive. Pastor Lucas thought maybe he didn't understand the truth of the Holy Spirit so he could not believe from his heart. So we sit together, pastor Lucas started sharing the truth of Holy Spirit, the importance of receiving the Holy Spirit. Pastor Lucas said:" If whoever do not believe the true gospel what we bring to you, you don't have possibility to receive the Holy Spirit. You shall believe and fully accept the true gospel ,believe Holy Spirit." After preaching, we once again prayed together for receiving Holy Spirit. Just for a while, pastor Emmanuel received the Holy Spirit and his tongues rolled quickly. He shared:" When I prayed God to give me Holy Spirit, I fully believe from my heart and my whole mind is all about Holy Spirit that I must receive the precious Holy Spirit."

Thanks be to God. At the last minute of our gathering, sister Emerin stood up and shared:" we have prayed in the room for half a year and asked God to bring the true servants of God. God answered our prayer and brought you hear. In the beginning, we didn't know what God bring to us through you. Today we know God bring us the precious truth and Holy Spirit through you and let us know what is receiving Holy Spirit, what is the work of the Holy Spirit and what is the power of the Holy Spirit. We sincerely thanks the Lord Jesus Christ. May Lord Jesus Christ bless you- the servants of God."

Hallelujah, Amen! All glory, blessing be to our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord strengthen them, expand the border of the gospel and give more grace.

True Jesus Church

Burundi Church

2021,July the 1st


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